Life’s Little Lessons: How to Say No

“Can you watch my little so I can go shopping? ” ( The ‘little’ is your 11-year-old nephew who’s a hellion that destroys your house and eats ALL the snacks.)

“You got $50 I can borrow? I’ll pay you back this time, I swear!” (She owes you $200 already.)

“Would you like to invest in [name that pyramid scheme] for only $400?” (You don’t have $400 to throw at a ‘business’! Your girl is still holding half of that, anyway.)

You really don’t want to watch the little booger. You are also tired of giving your friend loan after loan, knowing that you will never get your money back. And, very few people actually make money with ‘get-rich-quick’ deals anyway. There is a two-letter word that will absolve you of each of these obligations:

How to Say “No” the Healthy Way

We have been conditioned to avoid saying “No” at all costs. What kind, thoughtful, selfless person would you be if you used that awful word? Despite our upbringing, being able to choose not to do, say, act the way others want us to can be a sign of emotional health. Here are aspects of saying “No” in a healthy way.

The Truth Works Best: Instead of talking in circles, say “No” gently but directly. The world will not explode.

Express without Excuses: It is counter-productive to make excuses for why you are saying no. You don’t have to qualify your decision. It is best to just say what you need to say.

Combat Codependency: Everyone will not be happy with your response. Those who expect you to roll over and comply with their every wish may not like your assertiveness. However, saying no allows you to break cycles of codependency and maintain integrity.

Don’t be scared. If you don’t want to do it, just say “No”. If you don’t agree with it, just say “No”. You can do it.

2 Replies to “Life’s Little Lessons: How to Say No”

  1. What a helpful post. Thanks for making it simple and to the point with an easy to follow strategy.

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