Mindful Mondays: Mind Your Thoughts!


Reality. Ah, yes, that illusive experience that we all are trying to grasp. What is reality, exactly? Is it simply our lived experiences or is our perception of our lived experiences? Is it what has happened to us or is it how we understand our happenstance? Consider this: maybe it is HOW we see life that is the most powerful ‘reality’. If Neale Donald Walsch is correct, what are our thoughts telling us about our life? More importantly, how are our thoughts shaping our reality right now?


By: @believephq

We generally think that addressing the existential challenges we face will guarantee a healthier mind but there are more important and practical steps we should consider first. Explore things like our sleeping and eating habits, how we are connecting in relationships and taking advantage of the opportunities to learn and grow FIRST. Believeperform.com created this beautiful infographic that looks at ways that will enhance our mind and improve our mental health.


We do not always have control over how our brains remember things. While we wish we could delete some memories all together and hold on to others in all their vibrant color, we aren’t able to guarantee such an outcome. What we can do, though, is to be intentionally thankful for the right now moments, find joy in our present experiences and store how we feel in our heart. Mindfully connect with our emotions and allow ourselves to sit in gratitude for those experiences. When we live this way, our heart becomes a shelter of goodness and carries us through.