Mindful Mondays: How’s Your Mood?


I don’t know about you, but I have always understood a “good mood” to equate feeling positive or happy. Man, was my mind blown when I realized that a mood is good when it properly expresses our current emotional experience. For example, if I have been struggling with parenting for a time with no working solution, my mood may be resolute and a bit sad. That is an appropriate mood! Our mood should reflect our experiences. Let’s not confuse hard feelings as a “bad mood”. If a person’s emotional state aligns with their life experiences, their mood is appropriate. That’s a good/accurate mood!


One of the contributors to our stress is the lack of creating sacred time to breathe. Perhaps we expect mindfulness to just HAPPEN… But, the reality is that we will have to be intentional about centering and recentering ourselves often. The 4-7-8 breathe allows us to breathe deep and exhale with purpose. Come back to this page as often as you need to hold space with yourself!


Finding someone to be the hand we hold when things get hard isn’t as easy as one might think. So, when we find that someone, may we be filled with gratitude. And, when we have the strength, may we be the hand for someone else.