Mindful Mondays: We’re Back!!

By: Natalie Bunner, LCSW-BACS, CCTP


Hi, y’all!!! It’s been a WHILE since I have connected with you all here! Life has been so full of adventure, revelations and new paths since my last post and there is SO much to tell you! One of the things I can say now is that the journey over the past two years have been incredible. If I can say one thing about life, it is to EXPECT CHANGE! Have you experience this in your life, this inevitably of change? How has it impacted you? I am looking forward to exploring how much life has taught me regarding life, love, parenting and all the things!


When things feel overwhelming and we want to give up and go home, consider this: the way we heal is by taking the process one step at a time, not leap-frogging into the healing ‘end zone’. With this in mind, consider all of the steps you have taken so far. Can you look back and see how far you’ve come? When we realize that we have made serious moves in the right direction, the journey may not feel so impossible! So, continue to walk. You’ve got this!


Thank you for your support! Whether by reading my blogs, following me on social media, referring clients to my practice, you have been constant and I am so thankful for all of you! I am looking forward to sharing time with you!

Mindful Monday: 2020, Thank You!


🎨: @gemmacorrell

When I first saw this, I belly laughed so hard and started crying. This year, y’all!! So much has happened, some good, some bad,and, yes, even some ugly. I know that there were days when we weren’t sure if we could survive the chaos yet, day after day, we dusted ourselves off and went for the gold again. Click the link and have a giggle! You deserve to celebrate what you’ve overcome!

Now, let’s take a moment and lean into our resilience, courage and support system that got us this far. If we learned anything this year, we know that we are stronger than we think and can survive life’s harshest storms. Take a moment to relish in this reality: You are a beautifully brave human being and the world is blessed to have you. ❤️


🎨: @crazyheadcomics

Still shopping for the person who wants nothing or already has everything? Instead of overcompensating with something expensive, consider giving them something meaningful instead!

Crazyheadcomics gives us an amazing list of thoughtful presents that reminds both us and our loved ones that value of slowing down. Are there any other inspiring gifts that didn’t make this list yet promotes mindful self-compassion? If so, drop them in the comments; I would love hear about them!


It has not being an easy year by any stretch of the imagination, but I am eternally grateful for the lessons I’ve learned and the steps I took to grow. Part of that growth extends into my blog and what I feel it is evolving into. So, while I definitely plan to enjoy this holiday season, I will also use the time to put the finishing touches on a NEW & IMPROVED perspective for the Mindful Monday blog and will be relaunching it in mid-January! If there is something special you would like me to explore, let me know! I love you guys and wish you the happiest of holidays! ❤️

Mindful Monday: What Truly Matters


Credit: @stacieswift

That last line, though! “Be gentle with yourself.” The holidays, as wonderful as they can be, can also be really difficult for many of us. Instead of adding to the burgeoning pressure of the holidays, let us be intentionally gracious to ourselves and allow all of the feelings that come with this time of year. You are not alone in this. We are walking this road together.


Credit: @simplysophiedesigns

Holiday pressures can include trying to contort to the unreasonable expectations of ourselves or others. This may be a great time to assess our social connections, our personal relationships and our own irrational expectations of the world around us. Perhaps it’s time to let some things go. Or, maybe it’s time to introduce new people, places and things into our lives. Regardless, this is a great time to ensure that we are not holding on to things that do us no good. Find the courage to let some things go!


Credit: @thekindmindclub

Intentional gratitude takes effort but reaps extraordinary rewards. I am thankful for breath today. Another day to grow, connect and love well is a day to be grateful for. What are you thankful for today? Leave a comment below and let’s celebrate each other!

Mindful Monday: The Best Gifts of 2020


Credit: @amandagilbertmeditation

Some of our most entrenched habits were created because we do them all the time. Some are great, others, well, not do much. ☺️ Consider how introducing healthy coping resources, such as meditation and mindful practices, can help enrich our lives in a way that positively impacts every area. Practice makes powerful!


Credit: @colormehappi

If you’re anything like me, you may find that giving yourself a gift is a hard thing to do. Most people tend to be much better at giving gifts than receiving them. However, during this holiday season, we should find ways to give ourselves the things that matter. Let’s gift ourselves with grace, forgiveness, and many other well-deserved presents. We will be better people with these precious gifts.


Someone once told me that authentic gratitude doesn’t happen by accident. I totally agree. Being intentional about expressing thankfulness has enhanced my relationships with myself and others. As chaotic as 2020 has been, it truly has been my saving grace this year. Don’t just take my word for it! Try it; it’s a game changer!

Mindful Monday: Things To Be Thankful For


Credit: @wholeheartedschoolcounseling

Empathy is a powerful force that allows us to take our own pain and use it as a reference when showing compassion to others. Although it comes at a cost, let us be grateful for empathy. When we hold space for another person, allowing our personal experiences to connect us with someone else, we are experiencing one of life’s most mindful gifts.

During this holiday week, let us gift others with empathy. It may be easier to lean into the tension that comes with family gatherings but by allowing ourselves to express and receive empathy, we may be able to experience a truly wonderful season.

Reflection: How can I practice empathy today?


Credit: @goodhumansonly

In a world where emotional restriction is seen as strength, 2020 has taught us that we can have all the feelings as it is part of our humanity. Personally, I am extremely thankful to see open expression of feelings in my life circles. It shows that we are becoming okay with being our authentic selves, fully. We are recognizing that our emotions should not be stigmatized but acknowledged and valued. We FEEL. And we are healthier for it. ❤️

Reflection: What expression of emotion am I most grateful for this year?


Just say “thank you”. There’s so much power in gratitude. When we keep our eyes peeled for the good things in life, whether large or small, we realize that they are everywhere and our gratitude grows. I am incredibly grateful for you all and say a prayer of thanks over your week. Happy Thanksgiving!

Mindful Monday: The Heart Condition


Once again, @keeleyshawart gives us space to reflect on the state of our heart. How are we doing today? How is our heart feeling? Are we experiencing anxiety or are we filled with peace?

Take a moment and breathe. Conduct a body scan, from the top of your head to the soles of your feet, and assess how you feel. Are you where you want to be? If not, how can you get there?


Credit: @poetsandwriters

Perhaps, in our quest to present our best selves, we have prioritized being physically strong over total well-being. Poetsandwriters explores what it looks like to be strong in our hearts and minds.

What does being mentally strong look like to you?


In this season of thankfulness, let’s take the time to express gratitude for the resilience and fortitude that this year has created within us. Nothing builds character like critical life challenges and, although they are not fun to experience, they have contributed to the awesome, courageous people that we are. So, remember, you are GREAT and are created to do amazing things! Lean into that this week!

Mindful Monday: Who Are You?


@what.is.mental.illness is consistent in providing us room to reflect on who we are versus what we do. How do we separate the two and prioritize the things that makes us US?

Based on what define us, who are you?


I don’t know anyone who doesn’t want to be happy. However, there are many people who aren’t. Could it be because the focus isn’t on things that brings true joy? I know that when I’m focused on temporary pleasures that find myself ultimately disappointed when my happiness isn’t sustained. I appreciate @letstalk_mentalhealth for exploring those temporary things so that we can recenter our focus on what matters.

What areas of your life brings you true happiness?


Credit: @thefive15

This year has revealed our propensity to challenge the status quo and fight for what we think is right. Election year is hard for many but we always have the opportunity to be good humans. Embrace the goodness in you and show gratitude to those who strive to show decency in their everyday lives. Humanity lives!!

Mindful Monday: 2020 – The Best Year


My friend, @kaypelloquin, posted this recently and I can’t unsee it. How many of us have been seeing only the underbelly of 2020 and have missed the life-altering, revolutionary lessons it has taught us. This year has been a huge challenge but it has also been a testimony of our courage, strength and resilience.

This week will be no different. It will have its challenges, its ups and downs and opportunities to learn and grow. Take a minute and embrace this moment. Don’t miss the lesson. Bring this year close to you and see how it can make you a better person.


@wholeheartedschoolcounseling is one of my favorite sites because it provides practical, assessible resources for children and adults. When we consider how many issues we have encounter in our lives, it is imperative that we embrace the prayer to accept the things we cannot change and change the things we can.

What are the things we can manage? How can we do it effectively? What is our healthiest response to thing we cannot control?


Credit: @goodlifeproject

Remember, you were created at this time for a purpose. Lean in with gratitude for the characteristics that have prepared you for this week. Be thankful for the support that you have around you that lift you up. Move in power and gratitidue this week!

Mindful Monday: Inhale, Exhale


It’s amazing how, after living mindfully for a while, something can come along (like the possibility of another tropical storm) to throw us off of our rhythm? This is when we have to go back to the basics and remind ourselves to breathe. Do we need to experience another storm in 2020? No! But can we thrive despite it? Yes! So, let’s slow down a bit and mindfully reflect on our resilience. We’ve got this!


Credit: @what.is.mental.illness

In today’s climate, literal and otherwise, it is easy to get caught up in the negative . What if, we focused on challenging unhelpful thoughts with what is possible? When we find ourselves bogged down with negative thinking, we can come into the light when we balance our thinking with healthy, positive perspective. Let’s be willing to ask ourselves these critical questions and expand our minds to see the good in every challenge.


“What brings you joy?”

There is joy in finding the things that enhances our lives. Explore the what and who brings joy into our everyday world and express thankfulness to them. More importantly, find ways to create intrinsic happiness within ourselves. Be willing to spend time with ourselves as this can significantly increase gratitude. Our lives will be the better for it!

Mindful Monday: Aspire to Inspire


To be inspired is great but, to inspire is an honor

Stacy T. Hunt

We all have people in our lives that inspire us. They show us the power of perseverance, how to rally with resilience and highlights the characteristics of a champion. They are the people that we desire to emulate; we want to be like them and have their impact on the world. I wonder if we realize how many people feel the same way about us? They admire our perseverance, our resilience, and our contribution to the world around us.

Take a moment and reflect: How can we continue to “aspire to inspire”?


Being an inspiration is hard work; we are not perfect creatures and sometimes, the weight of ‘getting it right’ can feel daunting. But, remember, people are drawn to our ability to manage the hard days as much as they are to our triumphs. It is not perfection that inspires people. It is persistence.

Thank you, @wholeheartedschoolcounseling for this reminder!


Take a minute and be mindful about those who inspire you. What do they inspire you to do? What accomplishments have you achieved due to their awe-inspiring words or actions? Find space to show gratitude for them today. Know that, just as you are thankful for them, someone out there is grateful for you.