Mindful Mondays: We’re Back!!

By: Natalie Bunner, LCSW-BACS, CCTP


Hi, y’all!!! It’s been a WHILE since I have connected with you all here! Life has been so full of adventure, revelations and new paths since my last post and there is SO much to tell you! One of the things I can say now is that the journey over the past two years have been incredible. If I can say one thing about life, it is to EXPECT CHANGE! Have you experience this in your life, this inevitably of change? How has it impacted you? I am looking forward to exploring how much life has taught me regarding life, love, parenting and all the things!


When things feel overwhelming and we want to give up and go home, consider this: the way we heal is by taking the process one step at a time, not leap-frogging into the healing ‘end zone’. With this in mind, consider all of the steps you have taken so far. Can you look back and see how far you’ve come? When we realize that we have made serious moves in the right direction, the journey may not feel so impossible! So, continue to walk. You’ve got this!


Thank you for your support! Whether by reading my blogs, following me on social media, referring clients to my practice, you have been constant and I am so thankful for all of you! I am looking forward to sharing time with you!