Mindful Monday: To Live with Courage


What is meaningful work without courage? How can we grow in kindness, truth, mercy, generosity and honesty without the PROOF of courage? It is easy to say we possess these qualities but, until they are tested and met with bravery, they are simply words. There is no honor when courage is absent. Step into your present with the courage to do the hard things. Defend what is right. Stand up for your fellow man. Lean into courage and you will always be able to walk in dignity.



Many of us lead people everyday, in some capacity. Whether we are parenting our kids or managing groups of people professionally, we are leading others. Thus, it is important to remember that our followers assess how we respond to stress, resistance and disappointment and tend to emulate our behaviors. Brene Brown, one of the leading social workers/researchers on valuable topics such as shame, vulnerability and courage, explores the behaviors of those exhibiting daring leadership:

  • Have difficult conversations:  Courageous leaders have the challenging, sometimes emotional conversations, even when they don’t want to.
  • Embrace fears and feelings: Courageous leaders understand they need to spend time attending to the fears and feelings of those who follow them or spend a significant amount of time dealing with the impact of these feelings and fears. These leaders understand that they need to embrace what is driving the fears of their people.
  • Show people how to re-set: Courageous leaders encourage people to make mistakes, reset, and bounce back. In fact, these leaders would rather hire someone who is not perfect but has the ability to bounce back and learn from mistakes.
  • Focus on the root cause: Courageous leaders focus on problem-solving and getting to the root cause of issues. Although it’s easy to find a quick fix, a courageous leader stays in the problem to determine the cause. Once the cause is found, they go into problem-solving mode.


I want to express genuine gratitude for the three years I have spent at Willow Charter Academy. Many amazing relationships were forged in the hallways and classrooms of that building. Things were not perfect but that was not a requirement to keep me coming back, year after year. It was my love for the students and the great work we did as a team. Whether it was working late nights to get a job done, convening and collaborating on best practices to ensure optimal growth in a student or participating in holiday potlucks, we worked as a team. So it is with profound sadness to announce that I was required to resign from my position as school social worker at Willow Charter Academy. It boiled down to doing what was right even though it wasn’t the popular option. Although my goal to find solutions that would allow me to continue to work with the students of WCA was not realized, I am forever thankful for the opportunity to work alongside some wonderful people over the years. I am proud to know I left my position in a significantly better place than I found it. 😊 Willow Charter teachers and staff, remember that you are highly valuable, both as individuals and as a team, and should always be treated with the utmost professional respect. You guys are truly amazing! Just know, this is not goodbye. This is simply “until we meet again”. ♥️

To Spiritual Leaders, What is Your Stance on Racism in the Church? Inquiring Minds Want to Know?

Could you imagine how significant this season is for the Church? As chaos and turmoil heighten into civil unrest, members of our community have been appointed (and, hopefully, anointed) to provide spiritual guidance to so many who are searching for answers. Our expectations are for them to provide us with the perfect exploration of the complex, multilayered topic of race and fix everything. We want them to have all the answers and we want those answers to take away our responsibility to do the hard work towards racial restoration. Our humanity struggles with the humanness of our spiritual leaders, especially when they don’t respond in the way we think they should.

However, in today’s social climate, it is imperative that our spiritual leaders should be saying SOMETHING. Silence can be perceived as so many things – complicity, avoidance or apathy – and sends a mismanaged message to those who follows them. As someone said, “Silence speaks volumes.” Not saying anything, says something that is generally detrimental to the cause of justice. So, pastors, preachers, priests and other faith leaders are speaking up.

What are they saying?

John Gray/Steven Furtick: Why is the Church Silent – https://youtu.be/j8SyB-pyMp4

Jeremy Foster: Let’s Talk – https://youtu.be/9uEgXGNeXv8

Rick Langford: Sounds of Silence – https://livestream.com/landmarkchurch/sunday/videos/207121659

Christine Caine/Ron Carpenter/Dr. Carole Leaf et al: Bishop TD Jakes Presents: A Raw and Transparent Conversation on The Church and Race – https://youtu.be/xLt7jbJbU_0

Carl Lentz/Bishop TD Jakes: A discussion on Race – https://youtu.be/HYku4vlwnTQ

Lisa Sharon Harper: What if the unraveling is an opportunity for a new seed, America? – https://www.instagram.com/tv/CA-ocEqhInX/?igshid=15aeka7iypvit

Father Shelton Fabre: US Bishops speak out against racism and violent protests – https://youtu.be/jbiDFXOnpAQ

Lisa Brevere: Dropping Defenses – https://www.instagram.com/tv/CA6UoYBF5R5/?igshid=a8jvxw6fg0s9

These are just a few of the leaders who are speaking out against injustice and are having the courage to become vulnerable and transparent about the state of our world and how we can bring hope and reconciliation to a hurting humanity. To you all, I say, “Thank you!”

A Note to Thanks

Sitting in church this morning, with tears my eyes, I listened. I listened as my pastor emphathically and directly broke through the “Sounds of Silence” as he spoke to the heart of the matter. He stood behind the pulpit in protest to the silence and clearly stated the position Landmark Church. I felt heard. I felt seen. I felt that I mattered to those who matter to me. I sent him a text afterwards to thank him and thought that this note of gratitude expands to all spiritual leaders who have committed to lead their congregants with authenticity and courage.

Thank you. Thank you for being courageous to speak it in plain English, with no loopholes or displaced responsibility. Thank you for saying it, even though you will pay for it. Thank you for loving ALL people while recognizing the historical and current systemic discrimination that black communities face and believing that black lives truly matter. I want you to know that I love you. Thank you for being my ally all of these years. Landmark and the community of Lafayette is blessed to have you.

Leaders, it may be hard and you may face backlash from those resistant to acknowledging the truth: Jesus loves us all AND Black Lives Matter. But, know that we champion you and stand firmly beside you as you preach the Gospel. Let us walk together and, with God’s help, we can change the world.

The Eradication of Whiteness: The One-Drop Rule

After twelve hours of labor and an emergency C-Section, Wayne and I welcomed a beautiful baby boy. Looking at his perfect little face, hands and feet, we were in love. As we wrapped up our hospital stay, we signed paperwork to obtain his birth certificate, gathered our baby goodies and took our little biracial bundle of joy home.

Tagged from Birth

Several weeks later, as I looked through my hospital documents, you could imagine my surprise to see that my child, born of a white father and a black mother, was identified as ‘Black’ by the State of Louisiana. I was flummoxed. At no point, during my stay at the hospital was his race ever discussed with me or my husband by any hospital staff member. Never had there been any determination from either me nor his dad as to how we wanted to identify his race. It. Just. Was. Regardless of his actual racial heritage, the government determined his race for us. He is considered black. Why did the state and federal government mandate decide to label children of interracial descent as one of minority race only? Because of the archaic one-drop rule, that’s why!

What exactly is the One-Drop rule?

From the mid 1600s to the late twentieth century, certain states determined that laws were needed to monitor and maintain the segregation of racial bloodlines. Thus, laws such as Louisiana Act 46 of 1970, were created. A pertinent piece of the legislation stated:

“In signifying race, a person having one-thirty second or less of Negro blood shall not be deemed, described or designated by any public official in the state of Louisiana as `colored,’ a `mulatto,’ a `black,’ a `negro,’ a `griffe,’ an `Afro-American,’ a `quardroon,’ a `mestizo,’ a `colored person’ or a `person of color.'”

Such laws attempted to quell any interest between people of multiple races; the consequences for violating anti-miscegenation mandates ranged from the illegitimation of the couple’s children to felony charges and a prison sentence. It wasn’t until 1967, when the Lovings, an interracial couple, were jailed for a year for violation of the law, that the Supreme Court ruled the law unconstitutional and forced 16 states, including Louisiana, to repeal their laws regarding interracial marriage and procreation. Still, laws such as the aforementioned Act 46, were created to ensure that racial lines remained intact.

Throughout American history, state and federal governments used such mandates to clutter the path to racial equality. This law and others like it segmented peoples into minority groups and allowed the ‘superior race’ to maintain priority in the power and social hierarchy. Even when certain laws were abolished, the mentality persists, slowing down our quest for justice. Years later, we are still experiencing just how pervasive systemic racism can be.

Race and the American Educational System

Fast forward to 2018, it is time for Edison’s introduction to ‘big boy school’ and he is so excited! Wayne and I attend Registration Rush and, as we are filling out his paperwork, the question came up regarding his race. I didn’t answer it. Upon turning it in, the teacher gathering the information, said, “Oh, you didn’t fill out the race part. Don’t worry, I’ll do it for you.” I watched as she wrote “AA” (for African American) on the form. I informed her that he was biracial and I wanted both races on his cumulative school record. She seemed thoroughly taken aback. It was as if no parent had made this request before. She allowed me to amend the document but said, “I’ll consider him to be whatever race you want…but the school district may not.” Mind blown! From birth to his initiation into the educational system, his identity was being decided for him. It further highlighted that, although the one-drop laws are technically off the books, the systemic roots of racism run really deep.

In light of the current cultural and political landscape, we have to ask ourselves, why are we still subscribing to this construct? Why are we still allowing these archaic laws to dictate who we are? This construct diminishes the rich heritages represented in the American populous to white, American Indian, Asian and black. Instead of providing space for an individual to self-identify without pressure and create connection through culture, multiracial members of society feel the pressure from the government to make a choice.

Subscribing to the Construct

Here’s the reality of the continuation of adhering to the one-drop rule: it causes a slow eradication of whiteness from the American culture. As race laws always punished those who dared to love, live and procreate interracially, the premise of the mandate is that the white bloodline is so pure that the minority bloodline contaminates and overwhelms its presence. For National Geographic’s 125th anniversary issue, they explored the powerful impact of interracial/multiracial families on the social construct of race. And the projection is that, by 2050, the majority will become the minority. If that is the case, why should any credence be given this social construct at all? Why are we still allowing laws to tell us who we are?

So, where are Wayne and I today, regarding this rule? We denounce it. It is the perpetuation of racism that works to maintain rigid lines between races when the reality is, the color spectrum is just that, a SPECTRUM. People are becoming more and more interested in their cultural history and it is revealing A LOT. They are learning that they aren’t simply ‘white’ but Irish/Arabic/French/Sub-Saharan African. Instead of simply being ‘black’, people are discovering they are actually Guyanese/Scottish/Italian/American Indian. We have determined to embrace our cultures and teach our sons to explore and own ALL of themselves, not just the parts that make American society comfortable. Providing them with full cultural context gives them the opportunity to invest in themselves uniquely. They have the power to identify who they are instead of relying on the chronically toxic American system to do it for them. Why live in narrow race boxes when we can be living in wide-open cultural spaces?

Mindful Monday: Find Healing


In that order: check systemic processes, acknowledge what is broken or intentionally exclusive, and do the work to fix it. It’s common to want to jump ahead in the journey to self-discovery but you will be missing all of the pertinent lessons that will prepare you along the way. It’s the journey that will refine you, grow you. Focus on that; focus on mindful movement and take one step at a time towards healing.


It’s been a rough few weeks and there were times when I felt my thoughts and actions become more propelled by past experiences and worrying about the future than living and responding in the present. Working through professional challenges and processing the complex feelings related to the loss of #georgefloyd and several others, I found myself struggling to stay in the here and now.

What stood out to be in the picture above was the statement: “Listen to your inner voice on the inside and speak it on the outside”. I realized that I wasn’t exploring my current thoughts with anyone and they were beginning to meld with old, unresolved thoughts. Thankfully, I have amazing people in my life to process with who helps bring me back to center.


In the last few weeks, I’ve seen people step up with ferocious courage as they become transparent with their neighbors and lean into true allyship. They are putting their ‘whataboutisms’ aside and, instead, are saying, “I’m here, listening. I’m holding space for you to just BE.” To you who have been there for me, I offer gratitude. I am thankful for you and your vulnerability as I gives me the courage to be open with you.

Mindful Monday: Bold, Brave, Strong


Yang, renowned meditation teacher and psychotherapist, identifies how true mindfulness enriches internal growth, our relationships with others and the health of our communities. May we diligently strive to be a possible contributor to our world through mindful integrity.


As we enter into our summer break, consider taking the time to apply more mindful exercises into our day. Mindfulness allows us space to emotionally rest, refuel and refocus. That provided space is critical as it is only available when we can be honest about where we are in the moment. By being truthful with ourselves, showing grace and leaning into the people, places, and things that bring us fulfillment, we can learn to live a more abundant life.


It takes a lot of courage to live bold, brave and strong. Although it is not always the easiest thing to do, living lion-hearted can be quite the adventure. Everyone is not capable of experiencing boldness, bravery and strength right now. And, that’s okay. We, the “Live Out Loud” folx, got you! We may be a bit too colorful and bright for some people, but I’ll say this: We will continue to shine on! And, we’ll leave the light on for you.

Mindful Monday: Feelings Check-In


Why is checking in with yourself important? Proactive self-assessment allows us to deal with any challenges before they become overwhelming. Take the time to care for yourself. You will be glad you did!


This is trauma. This is a collective adverse childhood experience (ACE) that has directly or indirectly impacted everyone. ACEs are traumatic events that occur before the age of eighteen and include all types of abuse and neglect, parental mental illness, substance use, domestic violence, divorce, even incarceration. It’s important to understand these experiences because they can affect a student’s attention, decision-making ability, how they learn, and even how they respond to stress.”

This thought-provoking article allows us the opportunity to explore what we, as educators, can do to help our kids socially and emotionally upon their return to school. Definitely worth the read!


You’re making it! You are resilient! Just remember to take one moment at a time and know that all great accomplishments starts with one good decision. You can do this!

Mindful Monday: Surviving or Thriving?


Mindful Minute: Am I simply surviving or am I thriving? How do I know? Am I content where I am, emotionally and relationally? What is my next step toward contentment?


Contrary to the general consensus, Mindfulness is not always a static experience. Moving in mindfulness is just as powerful a path in life. What are some acts of intentionality that are helping you remain balanced and at peace?


You know how much bravery it takes to live your life out loud and with intention. Shower yourself with gratitude today!

Mindful Monday: Who Creates All Other Professions?


I remember my Grade 1 teacher, Ms. Webb. She was a young, vibrant educator who always came up with fun ways to teach English lessons. Because of her continual effort to engage us with new ideas and encourage our love for discovery, I can still remember her as “my teacher”, decades later! Teachers, what an awesome superpower to have!


Early elementary educators, daycare workers and parents! This online conference is for YOU! Transforming Challenging Behavior Online Conference starts this week and it’s FREE! A host of early childhood professionals will be exploring some of the ineffective behaviors you may experience with children in your care and identify possible solutions that can assist you in teaching self-regulation to your child! Click the picture for the link!


You are still writing lesson plans. Your anchor charts are draped in your living room. You are reaching out to your students to make sure they’re okay. You are updating your Google Classroom so your students can continue to learn. You are putting on birthday parades for little boys and girls. Zoom calls are created so that your students can get one more chance to learn together. With every challenge, you still step up to the plate and handle business. Why? Because you are TEACHERS; that’s what you do. So, as a parent of school age children, I want to say: T H A N K Y O U! You deserve more than a week of praise! You guys are awesome and we appreciate all you do to ensure that our scholars keep learning!

Mindful Monday: Just Do Today


We can bemoan the past and stress about the future or be can be HERE NOW. Remember, taking one moment at a time, one step at a time, one day at a time is all we are effectively capable of. So let’s focus on the beauty of the present.


Self-care looks different to everyone but the outcome should be the same. We should feel regulated, fulfilled and content when participating in self-care activities. What are your favorite self-care experiences?


Countless stories are coming in about teachers, support staff and administrators who are going above and beyond to help our kids transition during this chaotic time. We thank you from the bottom of my heart for every note, Zoom meeting, parade and phone call that expresses your love for our children! You are the real MVPs!! 

Mindful Monday: What Zone Are YOU In?


Everyone is anxious about putting the Covid-19 quarantine experience behind them and get back to ‘normal’. However, I wonder what we can learn DURING this time. Are we existing in the Fear Zone? How is living in our respective zones serving us and our families? How can we continue to evolve to a place of mindful growth?


It is important for us to find times to refuel and reset. Many of us struggle to self-care; we feel guilty for ‘wasting time’ or convince ourselves that we don’t have time. Yet, it’s those moments of self-care that actually improve our effectiveness. What are some things that helps you feel back to balance?


Take the time this week to Thank the Earth. Let’s show gratitude to the Earth by throwing our temporary masks and gloves in the trash can. Recycle. Share our resources and avoid hoarding out of fear. And, most importantly, show respect to your fellow man by practicing social distancing and protecting those in the more vulnerable members of our community.