Mindful Monday: The Journey to Becoming


Keeley Shaw is one of my absolute faves on social media. Her ability to articulate deep meaning through art is awe-inspiring! Consider this piece on “Random Acts of Kindness”…

We find ourselves in search of goodness throughout the day. We seek it and, once we receive it, return that goodness in kind. For us, that is a good day. But, what if we inverted the experience? What if, on the journey to Becoming, we sought ways to give goodness instead? What would our day look like if we initiated the good things we seek from the world?

Let us take a mindful minute to inhale and exhale kindness into the atmosphere. Kindness towards ourselves, those we love and to the world. Let us be the good into our lives today.


Thank you, alex_elle, for the thought-provoking reminder! Becoming is less immediate and more of a life-long experience. May we maintain the bravery necessary to make the journey.


For every breath, I am grateful. Take this quote with you today.

“Be thankful for a breath of fresh air to be alive and well. Allow love and happiness to penetrate throughout your mind and soul. Take time to relax and live in the moment, the now, the present. Enjoy today.” – Amaka Imani Nkosazana

Mindful Monday: Life is Happening!


I have so many irons in the fire right now so I can truly empathize with how you may be feeling today. Trying to ‘manage the tension’ in life, albeit a very good life, can feel overwhelming at times. Besides, we have been conditioned to believe that “Good things come to those who wait”, right? Although there is definitely merit to this thought, we can find ourselves hiding from our purpose instead of living into the dream and working hard to make it come true.

Take a mindful moment and explore what you are waiting for? What is keeping you from being brave in the journey? Embrace the reality that living purposefully isn’t easy and there is risk involved. Feeling a bit nervous about this endeavor is normal. But, don’t let the nerves prevent you from going all-in and living a fulfilled life.

Credit: @paulocoelho


@stefankunz is a graphic designer and IG social media influencer says this about making lists as a way to combat procrastination: “The LIST will help you get organized and by picking out one item you‘ll also be able to focus better and leave everything else be. In most cases, we are paralyzed by the amount of things left open to do. By putting it down on paper we also free our mind.”

Listing is just one tool; there are other proactive tips explored in this post to help the more reticent personalities jump into the fray and get things done!


You know how much I adore Brene! She says the BEST things and this is one of them: “Courage is a heart word.” Until we find the intrinsic value in ourselves, it is hard to be brave. But, learning the how capable and strong and courageous we are helps us move past pre-contemplation into the WORK of our dream. Look at yourself in the mirror and express self-gratitude for the courage that is in your heart. You are AMAZING!

Mindful Monday: Welcome Back!


School administrators, teachers and support staff:

There is so much to carry. You are not a magician but you do bring a certain magic to our kids’ lives. We know that this has not been easy for you. We also know the level of anxiety and worry that is accompanying the excitement of returning to school. We thank you in advance for nurturing our kids’ academic and social emotional efforts. This is an unusual school year and teaching is already a challenging job so we can imagine the road ahead will not be easy.

As you center yourself in preparation of this school year, may you dig deep and draw from the the well of inspirational instruction that brings learning to life and helps out children become the best they can be.


Start your day with affirmations like this. Focus on the now and what you must prepare to do. Remember why you do the work you do. Expect the day to yield great fruit. We are rooting for you!

(Parents, this is a wonderful way to help your children begin their day as well!)


One year ago, I began this blog to provide resources and words of encouragement to my colleagues in the school system. It has since grown to the collective community and is reaching people on an international scale. I would have never imagine that this little blog would be seen outside my little world. For this, I am grateful! We are grateful for every read, post and share! You guys are the BEST!!

Mindful Monday: Am I Growing?


Credit: @crazyheadcomics

Thank you, @crazyheadcomics for allowing us to explore this area in our lives! Growing, one day at a time, is abundant living!


“Our toughest talks are full of half-truths—not because we’re serial liars, but because we’re survivalists. Here’s how to bring clarity and intention to your most important relationships.”

Having crucial conversations is not about blindsiding others with your thoughts, feelings or ideas. It is simply finding the courage to sit with them and explore those vulnerable parts of yourself in an effort to be seen and heard for who you really are. Take a minute to explore “How to Let Go of Being Right” with Dr. Mitch Abblett. You won’t regret it!


It is so easy to focus on the major triumphs and milestone developments in our lives. Those are usually the most visual aspects of life so we give them priority. I wonder what would happen if we gave similar attention to the steps it takes to experience the great things? Those small life moves are just as important and deserve their own measure of gratitude as they are the steps that bring is to those glorious experiences. Find thankfulness in the small things. It’s the best way to live!

Mindful Monday: Embracing Change



Change is inevitable but it can also be uncomfortable. I get it. However, what can be even more uncomfortable is trying to sustain the energy necessary to keep the status quo. Instead of languishing in the past or becoming preoccupied in the future, let’s embrace the here and now and consider what may need to change in order for us to ultimately live our best life. May we become mindful, live in the present and find the courage to change the things that we can.

Credit: @fullspiritquotes

Part of change includes releasing the dead weight of unfortunate things that keeps us from living into our purpose. Some of these mechanisms worked for us in the past and provided us with ways to avoid the present. Today may be the time to let some of them go.

Which one(s) have been keeping you stuck in unhealthy cycles? What are you willing to let go of today?

Credit: @what.is.mental.illness


As a token of thanks to those who faithfully check-in to nataliebunner.com every week for a dose of mindfulness, thank you! Take what you need and know that I am truly grateful for you!

Credit: @worrywellbeing

Mindful Monday: Set the World on Fire


Consider this: There is only one You and only one Me. We were put on this Earth for a reason. What reason was that? And how can our existence impact the world around us? At times, it feels like the world is on fire – pandemic, civil unrest, unfettered racism, twin hurricanes – this year has no chill!

Instead of allowing the anxiety overwhelm us, let’s take a moment to recenter ourselves. Instead of ducking and hiding, hoping that the storm passes by, let’s imagine that we are standing strong, facing our challenges with fierce, unwavering courage. We are world changers. By living into our purpose, it is we who will set our world on fire.


Thank you @stacieswift for such a timely message.


Sometimes, I need the reminder that it is ALL of the experience that brings me to the beautiful place that I am in life. So, I am grateful for it all. Knowing that my experiences have made me more compassionate, more self-aware and more connected to the world around makes every challenge I’ve experienced worth it.

Mindful Monday: Reclaiming My Mind



Preserve and reconsider the distribution of your energy.


REFLECT: What is your peace of mind worth? What are you willing to do to obtain it? These are two seemingly simple questions that holds a wealth of complexity. Explore @weareurban on IG as they explore a practical ways they we can protect our peace of mind.


This is a gentle reminder that part of experiencing empathy and preserving a healthy mental perspective is practicing self-gratitude. By learning to appreciate the work our bodies, hearts and minds do everyday to care for ourselves and others, we enrich the foundation of our overall well-being. So, be thankful for who you are!

Mindful Monday: Let Go and Be Happy


We all have our preconceived notions of what it would take to ‘make us happy’. People, places and things are usually at the top of the list. But, what if happiness came from what and who is in the here and now? Could we be overlooking the beauty in our everyday life while hoping some grand gesture from the universe will trigger a sense of contentment? Let us take a minute, envision the gift that is the Present and experience true happiness.


You may think, “Letting things go is A LOT harder than you think, Nat!” And, I will agree with you; stepping away from things that brings out our insecurity, lowers our self-esteem and causes us to question our life purpose can be incredibly hard. And, we sometimes struggle with what to start letting go of. @simplysophiedesigns gives us a wonderful visual that can provide us with a starting point. Using this guide, what is something that you should let go of? What are you stepping away from to ensure your happiness?


“Gratitude is a powerful catalyst for happiness. It’s the spark that lights a fire of joy in your soul.”

Amy Collette

Mindful Monday: Teachers, Welcome Back!

Mindful Mondays



So many kiddos will be returning to school completely disoriented from the school process. Remember, they have been out of school for over five months and not all of them had access to instructional time. We can expect many of them to return emotional dysregulated and understand that they will require front loading of care and support. Don’t be stingy with it; providing them with it early in the year will help them to settle into the class schedule much easier.


Teachers, you have your work cut out for you, there’s no doubt. But, we know that you have all the ability, drive and persistence necessary to make your classroom a place of safety and growth. We champion you, support you and will be sending lots of thoughts, prayers and school supplies to you this year!

Mindful Monday: You Want to Know What’s Really Attractive?


Take a moment to explore this poignant exploration of Maya Angelou: “The thing to do, it seems to me, is to prepare yourself so you can be a rainbow in somebody else’s cloud. Somebody who may not look like you. May not call God the same name you call God — if they call God at all,” she chuckled. “I may not dance your dances or speak your language. But be a blessing to somebody. That’s what I think.”

What do you think? In the current global climate where the world seems so dark for some, what can we do to bring love and light into the lives in our corner of the world?


If you want to know, ask @steven on IG. Some are qualities we strive to have but other traits he list may not have made your list yet! Explore this: what do YOU find attractive about you? What do you find attractive about those around you? Are the qualities the same or are they different? Are there characteristics that you wish you had? Which qualities are you striving to nurture within yourself?



Today, I am truly grateful for every prayer, word of encouragement and bit of support I have received over the past few years that resulted in the passing of my clinical license exam today! When I consider all of the amazing people I connected with during this journey, I am incredibly grateful for the unplanned detours that placed me at the right place at the right time and prepared me to achieve the goal of becoming a #LCSW. To my Support Squad, I thank YOU!