Mindful Monday: The Best Gifts of 2020


Credit: @amandagilbertmeditation

Some of our most entrenched habits were created because we do them all the time. Some are great, others, well, not do much. ☺️ Consider how introducing healthy coping resources, such as meditation and mindful practices, can help enrich our lives in a way that positively impacts every area. Practice makes powerful!


Credit: @colormehappi

If you’re anything like me, you may find that giving yourself a gift is a hard thing to do. Most people tend to be much better at giving gifts than receiving them. However, during this holiday season, we should find ways to give ourselves the things that matter. Let’s gift ourselves with grace, forgiveness, and many other well-deserved presents. We will be better people with these precious gifts.


Someone once told me that authentic gratitude doesn’t happen by accident. I totally agree. Being intentional about expressing thankfulness has enhanced my relationships with myself and others. As chaotic as 2020 has been, it truly has been my saving grace this year. Don’t just take my word for it! Try it; it’s a game changer!