Mindful Monday: The Heart Condition


Once again, @keeleyshawart gives us space to reflect on the state of our heart. How are we doing today? How is our heart feeling? Are we experiencing anxiety or are we filled with peace?

Take a moment and breathe. Conduct a body scan, from the top of your head to the soles of your feet, and assess how you feel. Are you where you want to be? If not, how can you get there?


Credit: @poetsandwriters

Perhaps, in our quest to present our best selves, we have prioritized being physically strong over total well-being. Poetsandwriters explores what it looks like to be strong in our hearts and minds.

What does being mentally strong look like to you?


In this season of thankfulness, let’s take the time to express gratitude for the resilience and fortitude that this year has created within us. Nothing builds character like critical life challenges and, although they are not fun to experience, they have contributed to the awesome, courageous people that we are. So, remember, you are GREAT and are created to do amazing things! Lean into that this week!