Mindful Monday: Who Are You?


@what.is.mental.illness is consistent in providing us room to reflect on who we are versus what we do. How do we separate the two and prioritize the things that makes us US?

Based on what define us, who are you?


I don’t know anyone who doesn’t want to be happy. However, there are many people who aren’t. Could it be because the focus isn’t on things that brings true joy? I know that when I’m focused on temporary pleasures that find myself ultimately disappointed when my happiness isn’t sustained. I appreciate @letstalk_mentalhealth for exploring those temporary things so that we can recenter our focus on what matters.

What areas of your life brings you true happiness?


Credit: @thefive15

This year has revealed our propensity to challenge the status quo and fight for what we think is right. Election year is hard for many but we always have the opportunity to be good humans. Embrace the goodness in you and show gratitude to those who strive to show decency in their everyday lives. Humanity lives!!