Mindful Monday: 2020 – The Best Year


My friend, @kaypelloquin, posted this recently and I can’t unsee it. How many of us have been seeing only the underbelly of 2020 and have missed the life-altering, revolutionary lessons it has taught us. This year has been a huge challenge but it has also been a testimony of our courage, strength and resilience.

This week will be no different. It will have its challenges, its ups and downs and opportunities to learn and grow. Take a minute and embrace this moment. Don’t miss the lesson. Bring this year close to you and see how it can make you a better person.


@wholeheartedschoolcounseling is one of my favorite sites because it provides practical, assessible resources for children and adults. When we consider how many issues we have encounter in our lives, it is imperative that we embrace the prayer to accept the things we cannot change and change the things we can.

What are the things we can manage? How can we do it effectively? What is our healthiest response to thing we cannot control?


Credit: @goodlifeproject

Remember, you were created at this time for a purpose. Lean in with gratitude for the characteristics that have prepared you for this week. Be thankful for the support that you have around you that lift you up. Move in power and gratitidue this week!