Mindful Monday: Inhale, Exhale


It’s amazing how, after living mindfully for a while, something can come along (like the possibility of another tropical storm) to throw us off of our rhythm? This is when we have to go back to the basics and remind ourselves to breathe. Do we need to experience another storm in 2020? No! But can we thrive despite it? Yes! So, let’s slow down a bit and mindfully reflect on our resilience. We’ve got this!


Credit: @what.is.mental.illness

In today’s climate, literal and otherwise, it is easy to get caught up in the negative . What if, we focused on challenging unhelpful thoughts with what is possible? When we find ourselves bogged down with negative thinking, we can come into the light when we balance our thinking with healthy, positive perspective. Let’s be willing to ask ourselves these critical questions and expand our minds to see the good in every challenge.


“What brings you joy?”

There is joy in finding the things that enhances our lives. Explore the what and who brings joy into our everyday world and express thankfulness to them. More importantly, find ways to create intrinsic happiness within ourselves. Be willing to spend time with ourselves as this can significantly increase gratitude. Our lives will be the better for it!