Mindful Monday: Discard the Unnecessary


Credit: @stacieswift

“Set it all down and rest awhile.” It seems so simple but, living it out can be one of the most courageous things you’ve ever done. It requires us to pause, evaluate our mental and emotional load, and discard what is unnecessary weighing us down. Only then can we effectively take our next step.

What a journey this is!

Thank you, Stacie Swift, for always bringing us back to the present. Now, let us breathe, reflect then act. The world can wait.


Credit: @positivelypresent

Speaking of discarding unnecessary weight from our lives, which of these should we commit to letting go of?


When we can acknowledge and be thankful for our own resilience, kindness and strength, then it becomes easier to practice appreciation to those around you who are also striving for betterment. Gratitude leads to appreciation.

One Reply to “Mindful Monday: Discard the Unnecessary”

  1. Great thoughts on a Monday morning . . . The Halloween diagram made me smile . . . and sometimes smiles on Monday morning are hard to come by!

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