Mindful Monday: Welcome Back!


School administrators, teachers and support staff:

There is so much to carry. You are not a magician but you do bring a certain magic to our kids’ lives. We know that this has not been easy for you. We also know the level of anxiety and worry that is accompanying the excitement of returning to school. We thank you in advance for nurturing our kids’ academic and social emotional efforts. This is an unusual school year and teaching is already a challenging job so we can imagine the road ahead will not be easy.

As you center yourself in preparation of this school year, may you dig deep and draw from the the well of inspirational instruction that brings learning to life and helps out children become the best they can be.


Start your day with affirmations like this. Focus on the now and what you must prepare to do. Remember why you do the work you do. Expect the day to yield great fruit. We are rooting for you!

(Parents, this is a wonderful way to help your children begin their day as well!)


One year ago, I began this blog to provide resources and words of encouragement to my colleagues in the school system. It has since grown to the collective community and is reaching people on an international scale. I would have never imagine that this little blog would be seen outside my little world. For this, I am grateful! We are grateful for every read, post and share! You guys are the BEST!!