Mindful Monday: Set the World on Fire


Consider this: There is only one You and only one Me. We were put on this Earth for a reason. What reason was that? And how can our existence impact the world around us? At times, it feels like the world is on fire – pandemic, civil unrest, unfettered racism, twin hurricanes – this year has no chill!

Instead of allowing the anxiety overwhelm us, let’s take a moment to recenter ourselves. Instead of ducking and hiding, hoping that the storm passes by, let’s imagine that we are standing strong, facing our challenges with fierce, unwavering courage. We are world changers. By living into our purpose, it is we who will set our world on fire.


Thank you @stacieswift for such a timely message.


Sometimes, I need the reminder that it is ALL of the experience that brings me to the beautiful place that I am in life. So, I am grateful for it all. Knowing that my experiences have made me more compassionate, more self-aware and more connected to the world around makes every challenge I’ve experienced worth it.