Mindful Monday: Let Go and Be Happy


We all have our preconceived notions of what it would take to ‘make us happy’. People, places and things are usually at the top of the list. But, what if happiness came from what and who is in the here and now? Could we be overlooking the beauty in our everyday life while hoping some grand gesture from the universe will trigger a sense of contentment? Let us take a minute, envision the gift that is the Present and experience true happiness.


You may think, “Letting things go is A LOT harder than you think, Nat!” And, I will agree with you; stepping away from things that brings out our insecurity, lowers our self-esteem and causes us to question our life purpose can be incredibly hard. And, we sometimes struggle with what to start letting go of. @simplysophiedesigns gives us a wonderful visual that can provide us with a starting point. Using this guide, what is something that you should let go of? What are you stepping away from to ensure your happiness?


“Gratitude is a powerful catalyst for happiness. It’s the spark that lights a fire of joy in your soul.”

Amy Collette

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