Mindful Monday: Changing the World, One Person at a Time


It is easy to get overwhelmed just thinking about the global needs around us. Seriously, how are we expected to heal every societal ill that our world is facing right now? Here’s the truth: we are not. Fixing every single issue we encounter in our daily lives is not a reasonable expectation, either. Instead of fighting the unwinnable battle of singlehandedly saving the whole world, let’s recenter ourselves and focus on what we can do right now, in this moment. Look around, here in the present, and see what you can do to positively impact your environment. Square up and start there.


@goheadteach is a self-proclaimed millennial educator who identified eight ways to actively resist systemic oppression. (Click the pic to check out her IG!) Remember, my amazing allies, this is where your privilege is most beneficial! Keep standing up! Continue to help that one person, who will then help another person until… We ARE changing the world!


Take the time to say a prayer of thanks for every breath, every glimpse of beauty and every opportunity to do good in the world. Express gratitude in every action and shine the light of hope on those who may not feel any today. And, if you are the tender soul who is not feeling tons of thankfulness and hope today, know that I am grateful for you. Despite the challenges you are facing, you showed up today. And for that, I thank you.