Mindful Monday: Be the Weird Kid


A huge part of parenting includes encouraging and influencing the uniqueness in our children. As much as we may aspire for them to become members of amazing professions or social circles, the greatest gift we can give our children is the space to become their most authentic selves. We didn’t birth robots or clones; we are raising children of unique abilities, perspectives and insights. Let us embrace it and support their efforts to do the same.


We have reached the middle of the summer and our thoughts have turned to, “What’s next?” Just the thought of returning to school is sending some of us into intense anxiety. With the global climate as it is, which includes social unrest, financial instability, and a pandemic, bouts of anxiety are normal. Here are some ways to explore such thoughts and feelings with your child (and with yourself). Remember, it isn’t about curating the perfect response; it is about taking a breath, getting control over the excessive thinking and focusing on RIGHT NOW.


You are worthy of gratitude! Take a moment today to list the things about you that you are thankful for. Understand that there are so many wonderful ways in which you contribute to the world. There is only ONE you and the universe is so glad you are here!