Mindful Monday: Close Your Eyes, Dear One, and Rest


@rockinruski is an amazing illustrator who explores the beautiful, bittersweet symphony of life. She writes: “#covid19 is bringing up lots of strange conflicting feelings…at the same time. ⁣

It seems like a paradox to feel two very opposite emotions simultaneously, but in fact, it’s so real. We often aren’t even aware of the spectrum of emotions within us.⁣

What helps is reminding myself that it’s ok if my gratitude is tinged with sorrow. If my fear is lightened by curiosity and relief. Both are allowed to be together, even if it feels strange and foreign holding both within our bodies. “⁣

This season is certainly stretching us, mentally, emotionally, physically. Our innate reaction is to pull away from the pain; we do not like ‘uncomfortable’. But, it is in this space, that we flourish. So, instead of clinging to one emotion as we wrestle away from the other, let us embrace ALL the feelings. Be mindful of how they take up space together, how one emotion may even balance the other one into a more manageable feeling. Remember, they may cause a bit of dissonance, but the whole moment has considerable value. Embrace all of it.


@FemenistSexEd writes: Rest is not the enemy of change.
Your body and mind need rest in order to maintain its energy. But rest isn’t just “doing nothing” — there are many ways that you can recharge your batteries and stay energized for the long haul.
Here are small things you can do to recover your energy as you continue to fight racism and make sure that everyone knows that #BlackLivesMatter.

Busyness does not guarantee productivity; in fact, it is actually the antithesis of the term as it typically creates a cyclic pattern that leads to nowhere. Rest, however, allows space to reset, recharge and renew our desire for healthy and productive change. Let us not allow guilt or shame to keep us from the necessary act of rest. Create space to thoroughly rest our hearts, minds and bodies so that we can continue to fight the good fight.


Many thanks to Trisha Hersey, founder of the Nap Ministry for this guide about the beauty and benefits of true rest! Take the time to check it out and let it speak to your heart! Link to the guide is here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1jNwfwlgKlwAyT0NTaMQYjaUPkGrNg8Ab?fbclid=IwAR0-7yQ2IKGvQwlQBWQ7R1OLHFge4QexuwJLH0SwqM5wSm0BoqbT6G-PXrc