Mindful Monday: Love Your Neighbor


Love. Your. Neighbor. Sounds so simple; it seems to be such a doable ask. Yet, acknowledging the current climate of our world leads us to process this: can we? Can we truly love our neighbor? Regardless of their race, class or sexual orientation? Can we see our fellow man as valuable and treat them with care? Today, mediate on those in our environment. How can we show agape love to them?


Part of loving our neighbor includes identifying the things we may do or say that impairs that love. Consider how our effort to remain removed from the life experiences of others may present with toxic positivity. It doesn’t negate our good intentions; it simply makes it that much harder for those who are suffering to honestly explore their feelings with us. Instead, let us we show love by opening our hearts, minds and ears, holding space for our neighbor and being an active part of change.


To the friend who sat alongside me during the dark days, I thank you. For the moments when I was overwhelmed into silence, your voice rose in solidarity. I am grateful for your continual faithfulness and unyielding support and I promise, in your time of need, I will diligently return it to you.