Mindful Monday: Equality, Equity, Justice


The past few months have caused the world to go on a quest, whether intentionally or reluctantly, to explore the true meaning of justice. I will say that this journey has not been easy nor are we close to our destination. What I do believe is that we, as a global society, must make this arduous trip together if we truly expect to experience social justice in our lifetime. I am ready. Are you?


“What is it that we need to do? How can our mindfulness and compassion practices support us to develop the strength, the steadfastness, the stamina, to turn TOWARDS the things we have been trained not to see and to actually breakthrough whatever might be keeping us apart from feeling each other’s common humanity, feeling the love we know we have in our hearts for each other and acting from that as a core of our practice?”

Rhonda McGee, Professor of Law, Author of The Inner Work of Racial Justice


This week has been one for the books!! Change is inevitable and happens, whether we’re ready or not, so there is nothing better to do than to embrace it and look for the lessons it brings. This week, the lesson learned was that although I felt at my most vulnerable, the thunderous support, encouragement and love I have experienced has been awe-inspiring. It is one thing to hope that your words and actions are positively contributing to the world around you but it is another thing to KNOW that you have. I appreciate every reader who walked a portion of my journey with me this week. You have brought light to my life in more ways than one and, for that, I am forever grateful.