To Spiritual Leaders, What is Your Stance on Racism in the Church? Inquiring Minds Want to Know?

Could you imagine how significant this season is for the Church? As chaos and turmoil heighten into civil unrest, members of our community have been appointed (and, hopefully, anointed) to provide spiritual guidance to so many who are searching for answers. Our expectations are for them to provide us with the perfect exploration of the complex, multilayered topic of race and fix everything. We want them to have all the answers and we want those answers to take away our responsibility to do the hard work towards racial restoration. Our humanity struggles with the humanness of our spiritual leaders, especially when they don’t respond in the way we think they should.

However, in today’s social climate, it is imperative that our spiritual leaders should be saying SOMETHING. Silence can be perceived as so many things – complicity, avoidance or apathy – and sends a mismanaged message to those who follows them. As someone said, “Silence speaks volumes.” Not saying anything, says something that is generally detrimental to the cause of justice. So, pastors, preachers, priests and other faith leaders are speaking up.

What are they saying?

John Gray/Steven Furtick: Why is the Church Silent –

Jeremy Foster: Let’s Talk –

Rick Langford: Sounds of Silence –

Christine Caine/Ron Carpenter/Dr. Carole Leaf et al: Bishop TD Jakes Presents: A Raw and Transparent Conversation on The Church and Race –

Carl Lentz/Bishop TD Jakes: A discussion on Race –

Lisa Sharon Harper: What if the unraveling is an opportunity for a new seed, America? –

Father Shelton Fabre: US Bishops speak out against racism and violent protests –

Lisa Brevere: Dropping Defenses –

These are just a few of the leaders who are speaking out against injustice and are having the courage to become vulnerable and transparent about the state of our world and how we can bring hope and reconciliation to a hurting humanity. To you all, I say, “Thank you!”

A Note to Thanks

Sitting in church this morning, with tears my eyes, I listened. I listened as my pastor emphathically and directly broke through the “Sounds of Silence” as he spoke to the heart of the matter. He stood behind the pulpit in protest to the silence and clearly stated the position Landmark Church. I felt heard. I felt seen. I felt that I mattered to those who matter to me. I sent him a text afterwards to thank him and thought that this note of gratitude expands to all spiritual leaders who have committed to lead their congregants with authenticity and courage.

Thank you. Thank you for being courageous to speak it in plain English, with no loopholes or displaced responsibility. Thank you for saying it, even though you will pay for it. Thank you for loving ALL people while recognizing the historical and current systemic discrimination that black communities face and believing that black lives truly matter. I want you to know that I love you. Thank you for being my ally all of these years. Landmark and the community of Lafayette is blessed to have you.

Leaders, it may be hard and you may face backlash from those resistant to acknowledging the truth: Jesus loves us all AND Black Lives Matter. But, know that we champion you and stand firmly beside you as you preach the Gospel. Let us walk together and, with God’s help, we can change the world.