Mindful Monday: Find Healing


In that order: check systemic processes, acknowledge what is broken or intentionally exclusive, and do the work to fix it. It’s common to want to jump ahead in the journey to self-discovery but you will be missing all of the pertinent lessons that will prepare you along the way. It’s the journey that will refine you, grow you. Focus on that; focus on mindful movement and take one step at a time towards healing.


It’s been a rough few weeks and there were times when I felt my thoughts and actions become more propelled by past experiences and worrying about the future than living and responding in the present. Working through professional challenges and processing the complex feelings related to the loss of #georgefloyd and several others, I found myself struggling to stay in the here and now.

What stood out to be in the picture above was the statement: “Listen to your inner voice on the inside and speak it on the outside”. I realized that I wasn’t exploring my current thoughts with anyone and they were beginning to meld with old, unresolved thoughts. Thankfully, I have amazing people in my life to process with who helps bring me back to center.


In the last few weeks, I’ve seen people step up with ferocious courage as they become transparent with their neighbors and lean into true allyship. They are putting their ‘whataboutisms’ aside and, instead, are saying, “I’m here, listening. I’m holding space for you to just BE.” To you who have been there for me, I offer gratitude. I am thankful for you and your vulnerability as I gives me the courage to be open with you.