Mindful Monday: Feelings Check-In


Why is checking in with yourself important? Proactive self-assessment allows us to deal with any challenges before they become overwhelming. Take the time to care for yourself. You will be glad you did!


This is trauma. This is a collective adverse childhood experience (ACE) that has directly or indirectly impacted everyone. ACEs are traumatic events that occur before the age of eighteen and include all types of abuse and neglect, parental mental illness, substance use, domestic violence, divorce, even incarceration. It’s important to understand these experiences because they can affect a student’s attention, decision-making ability, how they learn, and even how they respond to stress.”

This thought-provoking article allows us the opportunity to explore what we, as educators, can do to help our kids socially and emotionally upon their return to school. Definitely worth the read!


You’re making it! You are resilient! Just remember to take one moment at a time and know that all great accomplishments starts with one good decision. You can do this!