Mindful Monday: Who Creates All Other Professions?


I remember my Grade 1 teacher, Ms. Webb. She was a young, vibrant educator who always came up with fun ways to teach English lessons. Because of her continual effort to engage us with new ideas and encourage our love for discovery, I can still remember her as “my teacher”, decades later! Teachers, what an awesome superpower to have!


Early elementary educators, daycare workers and parents! This online conference is for YOU! Transforming Challenging Behavior Online Conference starts this week and it’s FREE! A host of early childhood professionals will be exploring some of the ineffective behaviors you may experience with children in your care and identify possible solutions that can assist you in teaching self-regulation to your child! Click the picture for the link!


You are still writing lesson plans. Your anchor charts are draped in your living room. You are reaching out to your students to make sure they’re okay. You are updating your Google Classroom so your students can continue to learn. You are putting on birthday parades for little boys and girls. Zoom calls are created so that your students can get one more chance to learn together. With every challenge, you still step up to the plate and handle business. Why? Because you are TEACHERS; that’s what you do. So, as a parent of school age children, I want to say: T H A N K Y O U! You deserve more than a week of praise! You guys are awesome and we appreciate all you do to ensure that our scholars keep learning!