Mindful Monday: What Zone Are YOU In?


Everyone is anxious about putting the Covid-19 quarantine experience behind them and get back to ‘normal’. However, I wonder what we can learn DURING this time. Are we existing in the Fear Zone? How is living in our respective zones serving us and our families? How can we continue to evolve to a place of mindful growth?


It is important for us to find times to refuel and reset. Many of us struggle to self-care; we feel guilty for ‘wasting time’ or convince ourselves that we don’t have time. Yet, it’s those moments of self-care that actually improve our effectiveness. What are some things that helps you feel back to balance?


Take the time this week to Thank the Earth. Let’s show gratitude to the Earth by throwing our temporary masks and gloves in the trash can. Recycle. Share our resources and avoid hoarding out of fear. And, most importantly, show respect to your fellow man by practicing social distancing and protecting those in the more vulnerable members of our community.