How Are YOU Doing?: A Quick Self-Assessment

What are you doing to maintain Wellness?

During this season, it is imperative that we find ways to check in with ourselves to ensure that we are truly okay. It doesn’t always take in-depth assessments to do this. We simply need to evaluate our ability to strike a healthy balance in our daily lives. Here are four questions that can help you do just that.

Study after study explores long-lasting benefits of expressing gratitude. Life provides us with many opportunities to be grateful. We simply have to be intentional in finding them. Whether it is big or small, celebrating life’s moments is vital to our emotional and mental health. Tip – don’t wait until you experience huge wins to show thankfulness. Celebrate the little ones, too!

Who has been on your heart and mind lately? We tend to think about people for a variety of reasons. One of those reasons is that we desire to connect with them. Don’t hesitate to reach out! Text, email, call, initiate a video meetup! Make the effort to maintain healthy connections with those who matter to you.

This is can be a challenging question for us. Holding on to certain things and people may bring comfort, especially in a season of quarantine. Letting go of toxic, redundant or overall ineffective things, people and processes can be hard! Consider this: holding on to dysfunction may bring temporary reprieve but letting go of it can promote true peace. Which would you prefer?

Whether we are elbows deep in dirt, tending to our gardens, or making amazing chalk art, we are contributing to the beauty around us. Think of ways to continue doing so! It may not be huge creative moments every day but fostering creativity is valuable to our overall health. Not the creative type? (Trick question! We ALL are!) Consider how to invite beauty into your life. Are we accepting global efforts to kindness as beauty? What about the beautiful weather we have been experiencing? It’s been near perfect! There is beauty everywhere; we just have to open our hearts and accept it.

Check in with yourself and let us know how you’re doing!