Mindful Monday: Mental Health Check-In


Check-in with ourselves. How are we feeling? Do we need support? Who are our “people”, those who support and encourage us? Let’s take a Mindful Minute to focus on our hearts. What color is it this morning?


Why is it so important to be able to distinguish between the things we can control and what we cannot? Perhaps, knowing the difference can appropriately align our focus. Trying to police the behaviors of others is an exhausting, futile attempt at control. And, for all of our efforts, we would certainly be unsuccessful. So, instead of fighting for the illusion of control, we could focus on those things within our influence and make healthy decisions related to that. Which leads to the next question: how can we optimize the things we can control? All of the things in the circle center on this: intentionality. Instead of flailing from one end of the emotional spectrum to the other (which could CERTAINLY happen if you are trying to find toilet paper right now!), we can zone into the present, fixing our gaze on what we can effectively do RIGHT NOW to maintain mindfulness and balance. Remember, when it all comes down to it, mindful self-control is, and will always be, our saving grace.


You are truly ‘essential’ and we are forever grateful for your intensely hard work! We will honor you by staying out of your way so that you can continue to do your job safely and effectively.

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