Today, You are Six


I thought I didn’t want to be a mother. I loved working with children and did so with passion and energy. But, I wasn’t sure if I would be a good mother. And then you were born. I can’t even remember life before you. My love for humanity expanded in a way I cannot explain when you were born.

You are a gem. One of a kind. My little Spartan. My wild, wonderful, and wacky Edison. You see the world from such a unique perspective and help me gain understanding and insight into what it’s like to be a kid in today’s world.

Your superpower is Hyperlexia and, although do not understand it, makes you one of the most interesting, most intelligent people I know. You can read at a second grade level and you already know your multiplication facts for your four ones, fives and tens.

You are smitten by little babies and you fiercely protect your brother, even from me sometimes. ?

I can’t explain how much I love you. I just do.

Happy birthday.

Happy birthday to you.