Mindful Monday: Just Breathe


Understanding evokes compassion. This 3-minute video gives insight into how overwhelming anger can feel and how important it is to “Just Breathe”.


Mindful Schools: This site provides you with the research and resources on mindfulness and how it can positively affect our children in the school environment. Check them out! https://www.mindfulschools.org/about-mindfulness/mindfulness-in-education/


Five Things I am Thankful For:

  1. A son’s love. Hearing “I love you so much, Momma.” from Oliver fills my heart to overflowing every time. When he says it, I KNOW that he means it.
  2. Cassie Murphy. Sometimes, all it takes is a facial twitch from her to send me into peals of laughter. She is medicine to my soul.
  3. Louisiana cuisine. Thank you @HubCityDiner for making gumbo a constant hit and having it available all year around!
  4. Two wonderful Life Group sessions this Saturday! Leading “Walk It Out” and “Chicks with Coffee” this weekend was an awesome opportunity to meet up and connect with members of Landmark Church and the community of Lafayette! If you’re interested in knowing more, leave a comment and I’ll send you the deets!
  5. Family Pile-Ups: Spending time with the boys this Sunday afternoon, piled up in our bed, with toys and games, watching silly videos and singing funny songs. I never tire of the love and laughter that comes from those moments.