Introducing: Social Work in the City!

“Living just enough for the city
Believing just enough for the city – Stevie Wonder


Part of the reason I choose to complete a Masters program in Social Work was because of its focus on servicing diverse groups of people in a variety of ways. There is nothing linear about social work – no two experiences are the same thus no one solution yields the same results. You have to be malleable, flexible and adaptable. The prerequisite to being effective in social work is the willingness to learn from those you serve and use the new knowledge to enrich your encounter with the next client, family, patient, student. Here, we will delve into the lives of our communities and learn those valuable lessons that fulfill us. But first, in order to flourish in the badass field of social work, grow in connection with our fellow man and live the expansive lives we desire, we must prioritize #humanity.

How do we do that, prioritize humanity? How do we learn to see those around us as valuable parts of a healthy society?

Three Ways to Prioritize Humanity

No one is useless in this world who lightens the burden of another. -Charles Dickens
  1. Thoughtfulness: It is not nearly as encompassing as people think, being thoughtful. It simply asks that we consider the hearts and minds of others with our words and actions. Acknowledging that those in our world have merit, value and are worthy of our compassion.
  2. Vulnerability: “Sharing is caring.” At the surface, it might seem like such a superficial statement but it is a simple yet profound truth. Sharing is more than giving to and taking from others. Instead, it is unconditional positive regard for one another that fosters safe spaces and allows us into the most intimate crevices of our identity, creating a cycle of vulnerability and connectedness.
  3. Awareness: Walking through the world with our eyes open is not only valuable in the literal sense but it is imperative from the relational perspective. Understanding who is walking alongside us increases our ability to build healthy, sustainable relationships. Self-awareness keeps us mindful about how we influence our environment. Global awareness allows us to live in empathy, overflow with compassion, recognize the uniqueness in every community and celebrate diversity.

To those who see the value of every person, regardless of race, culture, gender, sexual orientation, physical ability, mental capacity or socio-economical status, you are the light. Regardless of where we land in the landscape of this vibrant, awe-inspiring place called Earth, know that your contribution of Goodwill has healing ripple effects. In the words of Stevie Wonder, “I’m gonna keep on trying ’til I reach my Highest Ground”.