Mindful Mondays


“The only thing that is ultimately real about your journey is the step that you are taking at this moment. That’s all there ever is.”
Eckhart Tolle


“The goal of calming exercises is to get yourself from “flight, fight or freeze” mode back to “rest and digest” mode. Deep breathing helps get more oxygen into your bloodstream, opening up your capillaries. It has a physical effect on your body to help you calm down and lower stress.”
Coping Skill for Kids: Deep Breathing Exercises for Kids gives us wonderful calming practices that we can use to assist us in remaining mindful and away from destructive worry. The video above provides a 2-minute breathing exercise using the Hoberman Sphere. Enjoy!

Hoberman Sphere: https://www.amazon.com/4Es-Novelty-Expandable-Expanding-Breathing/dp/B07JP6FV2L/

Article: https://copingskillsforkids.com/deep-breathing-exercises-for-kids


I am learning to show gratitude for the little things. Today, I am thankful for snuggles with Ollie and serenades from Rhys, hair that didn’t frizz in this afternoon’s torrential downpour and an amazing cup of Madagascar Vanilla Latte. What are you thankful for?